Social Security

Complex FAQs About Social Security Disability Law

FAQs Social Security Disability Thurswell law

Social Security Disability laws are complex and difficult to navigate if you aren’t familiar with the material. Most people applying for SSDI have never done so before, making the process even more stressful and increasing the likelihood of making an error. A Social Security Disability lawyer is prepared to guide you through the application from … Read more

Can Disability Benefits Be Fast Tracked for People with Dementia?

dementia SSDI benefits Thurswell Law

Qualifying for Social Security disability benefits is difficult even in the most obvious of circumstances. Those who suffer from dementia need support from a loved one because they are often unable to navigate the system themselves. But it’s also essential to work with a knowledgeable, experienced Social Security Disability attorney from the start, especially now … Read more

Back Injury Disability Claimants Hit with Harsh Regulations

SSDI benefits back pain disability Thurswell Law

Musculoskeletal impairments include a long list of afflictions for anyone who is trying to get Social Security disability benefits. This inclusiveness should feel like a relief, but it’s really a burden and concern after last spring’s implementation of a revised Listing of Impairments. These changes have made the guidelines for qualifying for benefits more challenging … Read more

Get SSDI Benefits If You Suffer from Mental Illness

ssdi benefits mental health thurswell law

Mental illness is a hidden disease. Proving that you suffer from anxiety, depression, PTSD, or other mental health conditions is not as simple as getting a blood test or CAT scan and medically proving your disability. Because it is an uphill battle to offer up evidence of your mental health, getting the SSDI benefits you … Read more

4 Common Mistakes Made by Disability Claimants

Social Security Disabilty Claimant SSDI Thurswell Law

When you are on disability, or have a loved one on disability, you want to make sure you’re getting the benefits owed to you as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this eagerness to get the application done can result in a host of common – and costly – mistakes. 1. Filing Too Quickly A major injury … Read more

What Happens if Social Security Denies Your Review?

Social Security disability benefits were designed to assist disabled Americans and their families by providing such things as financial assistance, vocational rehabilitation, and more. However, many people find themselves being denied during the initial review process. If this happens to you, does it mean that you are unable to receive benefits? Not necessarily, and an … Read more

Reinstatement of Reconsideration in Social Security Cases

For several years, Social Security tested skipping the reconsideration phase in the disability determination process in several states. Michigan was one of those states. Now, the Social Security Administration is phasing the reconsideration step back into the process. If you receive an initial denial letter for SSI or SSDI, you will have to go through this … Read more

Why You Need a Lawyer for the Appeal of Your Social Security Denial

In the United States, the Social Security Administration (SSA)handles social security benefits, denials, and appeals. Interpreting and understanding the laws that form the basis for Social Security disability income and benefits can be a difficult task. If you have applied for Social Security disability benefits and you have been denied, you should not delay in … Read more