Understanding Disability

Get Legal Help Today for Your Social Security Claim


    Frequently Asked Disability Questions

    How do you develop a disability case?

    Our disability attorneys will develop your case to adhere to Social Security rules and regulations, meaning that you do not have to deal with the intricacies of Social Security law. We work to track down important medical records and test results, obtain statements from your physicians, and apply our expertise to your case. With Social Security Disability / SSI law, precedents have been set. Our disability attorneys are aware of these precedents and can utilize them to help you win your case.

    What are my odds of winning without legal help?

    Attending a hearing before a judge without the assistance of a disability attorney may result in a lost opportunity to win the benefits you deserve. Research indicates that the odds of winning a disability claim before an administrative law judge are remarkably decreased when a claimant does not hire an attorney.

    Can Social Security determine whether or not I can work?

    Social Security considers your age, education, past work experience, transferable skills, and degree of disability when determining whether or not you can work. If Social Security determines that there are jobs in the local or national economy that you can do, then you will not be found disabled. However, if Social Security finds that you cannot adjust to work, you will be granted Social Security disability benefits.

    If my medical condition is severe, can I win my claim without an attorney?

    If you have a severe impairment or medical condition, you do have a better chance of winning your claim. Keep in mind, however, that an experienced attorney will know how to effectively proceed and present the facts at your hearing. When your medical condition is more severe, it is even more important that you win your case, and your chances of receiving disability benefits improve with an attorney by your side.

    Thurswell Law offers excellent Social Security Disability attorneys who will ensure that you are well-represented. Call (248) 665-8600 today for your free consultation.